
Timezone: Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Group Coaching Call Recurring

December 6, 2024 at 12:00 PM (Eastern Time (US and Canada))
Meeting ID
Every 2 weeks on Fri until December 20, 2024, 2 occurrences
✨ The Topic: Sisters Supporting Sisters ✨

We need each other. Going through challenging situations alone can make things feel so much harder. On this call, we will step into a space of love and support for our sisters who might be struggling with big or small life issues (because they happen to all of us). Bring your challenge or simply show up to be supportive for others. As always, participation is optional. Your presence is enough. 
1 hour
Meeting Notifications
15 minutes before
Meeting Passcode
No passcode required
Host Off
Participant Off
Meeting Options
Enable join before host
Mute participants upon entry
Enable waiting room
Only authenticated users can join
Do not record the meeting.