Trusting The Process

When I was in my darkest moments, I had zero trust—in the universe, in the world, or in myself. I felt completely alone, disconnected from others and from the universe. I often sabotaged myself, convinced that nothing ever worked out in my favor. I saw myself as a victim to circumstance and resisted life at every turn. Everything changed when I learned to surrender to what I couldn’t control and to allow things to unfold as they were meant to. Sounds simple, right?
Learning to trust the process of life unfolding may be one of the hardest principles to grasp. While we might understand it conceptually, practicing it in daily life is often a struggle. We worry about the future and wish the past had been different. We fear stepping out of our comfort zones. How much time and energy do we waste feeding a mindset of distrust?
Trust has many layers, mirroring the complexity of life itself. Some days we feel confident that everything will be okay; other days, we’re frustrated and questioning why things didn’t go as planned. There are times we rely on our intuition, and times we doubt it. This ebb and flow is part of life.
Everything is unfolding exactly as it is meant to. You are simply responding to it. When you fight reality, you create more struggle. When you accept it, you move through it with more ease and grace.
Every circumstance presents an opportunity to be present with what is arising within you. Embracing this truth allows you to shift from trying to control everything “out there” to asking yourself, “What am I meant to learn from this experience?”
Life is like school. If you’re paying attention, you’re learning. Occasionally, you’re tested on what you’ve learned. Sometimes, you ace the test; other times, you don’t. Every opportunity is a chance to practice what life is teaching. If you repeatedly feel impatient, perhaps patience is the lesson. Life isn’t doing this to you—you’re doing it to yourself. Until you look inward, you’ll keep seeing the same patterns. If your approach is working, that’s great! But if not, maybe it’s time to pay attention and try something different.
When life tests you, try moving into a state of trust by focusing fully on the present moment. Notice what happens. How does your mind respond? Are you present, or lost in racing thoughts? When you affirm, “I am at peace with this moment as it is,” can you feel a shift in your body? The more you practice redirecting your mindset toward trust, the easier it becomes to see life from a different perspective. It takes time, but each moment is a chance to practice.
For me, meditation was the catalyst for developing trust. When I’m fully present with my thoughts, they eventually dissipate. In the quiet space between thoughts, I sense a deeper voice. At first, I resisted listening because I knew it meant I’d need to make changes. But when I finally had the courage to tune in, my body responded with a sense of knowing and energy. Over time, I learned to trust this inner guidance. My life would not be what it is today if I had let my inner critic run the show. I trust that.
Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith, trusting that the net will appear. If your heart pulls you in a direction and you cling to old fears, you’re creating more suffering for yourself. Building trust in your intuition often means taking countless small steps until you feel grounded enough to release old mental pictures that no longer serve you.
I’ve taken my fair share of leaps. Some were small, others monumental. Some went as planned; others challenged me in unexpected ways. But each leap was an opportunity to practice trust. No matter the outcome, each step helped me grow. Deep-seated trust is cultivated through surrender: by following your heart, staying in the moment, and accepting that fear is normal.
There have been times when fear overwhelmed me. But even in those moments, a deeper part of myself encouraged me to move forward. As I learned to trust that inner voice, my life transformed. Trust that you can open your heart and connect with others. Trust that you can follow your passion and start that business. Trust that it’s time to move on from what no longer serves you. Trust that it’s okay to speak your truth, even if it’s uncomfortable. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be.
Trusting means being authentic and vulnerable. Trust that you won’t beat yourself up if things don’t go as planned. Trust that you can handle the uncertainty that arises. Trust that your wings will appear as you leap into the unknown. Ultimately, it’s all about perspective. If the images in your mind are colored by doubt, you’ll see the world through that lens, and trust will always feel elusive.